Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life of a College Grad... Where Are My Mentures?

When I was in college, I had no life. I took a bajillion classes, and worked a thousand jobs. Okay, don’t give me that look, maybe that is a bit of an over exaggeration. I did however, take 5-10 classes a semester, work 2-3 jobs, and have 1-2 volunteer jobs at any given time. So life was busy, and I barely had time to live. I promised myself that after I blew that joint that I’d devote my life to well, living. I also knew I needed to devote some time to figuring out what I really enjoyed doing. I had all these wonderful ideas… I thought I’d like going on vacations, exploring new bars and clubs, learning to play the guitar, or having a Royal Wedding. I was sure that once I graduated that I’d be an infinitely more interesting person.

What the hell was I thinking? Truth is, I’m a very boring person. I know it’s hard to believe after reading this blog and realizing how hilariously awesome I am… but it’s true. Since I’ve graduated, I’ve found that that thing I enjoy most is watching every episode of any TV show surrounding the Kardashian family (except Dancing with the Stars because I hate that shit and Rob’s not nearly as interesting as his sisters). My last semester of college, I wrote a blog post that I never published about how the Kardashians almost made me fail college, and now I’m writing this post to tell you that the Kardashians (along with some help from the cast of the Jersey Shore) are making me fail life. DVR is not helping either.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm not boring, but really suffering from a severe life sucking addiction. The first step to getting over any addiction is admitting you have a problem right? So maybe there’s hope for me yet. I’m kind of thinking (hoping... praying...) that this addiction to the Kardashians has more to do with the fact that the overload of work and studying I’ve done over the last few years turned my brain into mush, so the Kardashians are all I can really process at the moment. It’s like when you lose all your teeth after years of meth and tootsie rolls and the only thing you can eat is pudding until you get some dentures. Hopefully my mental dentures will come in soon. I’d like not to be such a loser.

Until my mentures (good word for mental dentures?) come in, I’m going to keep a list of all the things I’d like to do when I take control back of my life.

-Write in this effing blog more
-Get back to reading for fun
-Start drawing again
-Plan a vacation
-Get Keeping Up With the Kardashians on DVD

Hey, I’m not cured of my addiction quite yet.


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