Thursday, January 7, 2010

Note to self:


Drinking two humongous cups of instant coffee in order to keep yourself up during your weekly hotline shift is no good. In fact, it may be on the top ten list of most horrible ideas you've ever had in 2010.

In case you forget, let me remind you that having those two horribly over sized cups of instant coffee made you: jittery, nauseous, tired, gassy, and bloated. None of those are fun things to be at 1:41 am, 20 minutes before you are off work and finally allowed to sleep. Horrible, horrible, bad idea. You are a real dumb ass.

The currently over-caffeinated version of yourself

Readers, please let my life be an example so that you don't have to suffer the same fate. Do not drink that much instant coffee it will only lead to several hours of trying not to puke up your life, I promise.


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